Ruth R. Wisse, a former Harvard professor, wrote in the July 31, 2015, Wall Street Journal that the nuclear deal with Iran’s fanatical anti-Jewish regime will fuel racism on a global scale (“Obama’s Racial Blind Spot”). {mprestriction ids="1,3"}She explains that the Iranian regime is currently the world’s leading exponent of anti-Jewish racism. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, she writes, tweets that Israel “has no cure but to be annihilated.” Ms. Wisse remind us that a hallmark of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Chicago church, which Obama attended for two decades, was an animus against Jews and Israel. She writes that this is the first time the U. S. will have entered into a pact with a country committed to annihilating another people.

Another Harvard professor, Alan M. Dershowitz, in the International Jerusalem Post (July 24-30, 2015) writes: “The time has now come to be crystal clear about the meaning of this deal. If it is intended to prevent Iran from ever developing nuclear weapons the president must say so in the clearest of terms…”

Caroline B. Glick, in the same issue of the Post, observes that the deal guarantees that Iran will develop nuclear weapons. It gives $150 billion to the mullahs. When the agreement expires, Iran will be able to build nuclear bombs at will, she writes. She goes on …”maybe the money will be used to fund insurgencies and proxy wars and terror campaigns…” On July 18, Khamenei promised to continue to fund and sponsor terrorism and proxy wars.

To secure all of the concessions the U.S. made to the Iranians, Obama has trampled congressional authority.{/mprestriction}