Hadassah Greater Kansas City will celebrate its 22nd Annual Hadassah Walk for Health sponsored by its Nurses Council.

It will be held on Sunday, May 12 (Mother’s Day) from 9:30 to 11 a.m. at Gezer Park (13251 Mission Rd., Leawood, KS 66209).

This year, the local Nurses Council has chosen to benefit physical and mental health by promoting exercise and social interaction.

Donations to Hadassah in honor or memory of a nurse or loved one are welcome.  These donations will help support Hadassah Medical Organization, which includes the Gandel Rehabilitation Center at Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus in Israel. Instead of a drawing for a Hadassah life membership as at previous Walks for Health, $250 is being donated by an anonymous donor to the rehabilitation center.  

Gandel Rehabilitation Center’s world-class facility provides rehabilitation services for both Israel Defense Forces soldiers and civilians. The Center offers a host of special treatments along with physical and occupational therapy, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, and respiratory and orthopedic rehabilitation.   

The Walk for Health event is open to all. The Chapter hopes that their members, Hadassah associates and the community will show their support of local nurses and nursing students by attending this annual walk. 

Pre-registration is requested by emailing Marian Kaplan at with the subject line “Hadassah GKC Walk for Health.”

Donations may be made online at events.hadassah.org/GKCwalk or sent by mail as checks payable to Hadassah with the memo line “Hadassah GKC Walk for Health” to Hadassah Midwest, 900 Skokie Blvd., Ste. 295, Northbrook, IL 60062.  

All attendees will be required to sign a Hadassah event participation release to attend Hadassah in-person events. There will be no exceptions to this policy.

More information is available by contacting Kaplan at .