During June and July, Jewish Family Services will be collecting packages of toilet paper as part of their Wipe Out drive to keep the shelves of its pantry stocked at its two metro locations.

With the pantry serving more than 500 families each month, keeping toilet paper in stock is a challenge. Each month, the pantry provides clients with more than 2,500 rolls of toilet paper. 

JFS has resources to help local organizations and people host their own Wipe Out drives. JFS will drop off and pick up barrels or totes for your collection as well as provide materials including downloadable fliers, posters, and online resources to help promote drives at jfskc.org/wipeout.

Toilet paper is an essential household item that SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) does not cover. With the end of additional government benefits that took place during the COVID-19 pandemic, JFS anticipates a greater demand for food as well as cleaning and hygiene items, including toilet paper.     

Those interested can also host a virtual summer Wipe Out drive by connecting employees or members of their group to JFS’s Food Pantry Wish List through Amazon. Those interested in hosting a summer Wipe Out toilet paper drive can email or call (913) 327-8257.  

Toilet paper donations can also be dropped off in designated JFS Food Pantry barrels in the lobby of the Jewish Community Campus during business hours. Donations can be delivered to the Brookside location by appointment by calling (816) 333-1172.