Jewish Experiences, a collaboration of Jewish Federation and The J, is partnering with local community organizations to commemorate Yom HaZikaron and celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut this year as Israel prepares to celebrate its 75th anniversary. 

Information surrounding all upcoming events and activities for Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha'atzmaut can be found at

A ceremony for Yom HaZikaron – Israeli Memorial Day – will be held on Monday, April 24 at 6 p.m. at The White Theatre at The J. The event is free to the community and will honor Israel’s fallen soldiers and victims of terror. 

Community Shalicha Noa Dovrat is introducing a new program to the community this year as part of the Yom HaZikaron commemoration called Matkon Im Zikaron. 

Matkon Im Zikaron — “Recipes with Memories” — is a way to honor Israel’s fallen soldiers. Boxes containing a memorial candle, the story of a soldier, and their favorite recipe will be available for pick up at The J or at other designated locations in Kansas City.

“This program allows individuals to commemorate soldiers at home by lighting the candle and creating their recipe,” Dovrat said. “It helps people connect to this important day.”

Two separate events have been announced for this year’s Yom Ha’atzmaut celebrations. 

On Wednesday, April 26 at 7 p.m., adults over 21 are invited to attend an Israel-themed trivia night at Crane Brewing (6515 Railroad St., Raytown, Mo. 64133). Guests can celebrate Israeli Independence Day with friends, and drinks will be available for purchase. 

On Sunday, April 30, the entire community is invited to celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut from 4 to 6 p.m. at Meadowbrook Park (9101 Nall Ave., Prairie Village, Kan. 66207). This family celebration of Israeli Independence Day will include games, arts and crafts, dances and Israeli food. Attendance to the event is free, although registration is encouraged. Guests interested in purchasing food should register ahead of time at

This year’s partners include Congregation Beth Israel Abraham and Voliner; Congregation Beth Shalom; Congregation Beth Torah; Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy; JCRB|AJC Kansas City; Jewish Community Foundation; Jewish Experiences; Jewish Family Services; Kehilath Israel Synagogue; Menorah Heritage Foundation; Midwest Center for Holocaust Education; New Reform Temple; Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City; and The Temple, Congregation B'nai Jehudah.

Additional funding and support was provided by the JCC Association Israel Engagement Fund, a JCCA Program Accelerator.