Because of donations made by the community, Jewish Family Services will provide 200 families with a Rosh Hashanah meal kit for the High Holidays.

JFS is seeking volunteers to deliver these meal kits before the start of the holiday on the evening of Sunday, Sept. 25.

JFS is searching for an additional ten drivers to deliver the meal kits on Sunday morning, Sept. 25. Volunteer drivers will pick up the kits from the Jewish Community Campus and follow a route assigned by JFS. Routes are available to be picked up from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and will take about an hour to complete.

Volunteers can register to drive at

There is still time for people to make financial donations to underwrite the holiday meal kits. A $36 donation will provide a family of four with traditional items including a sweet challah, apples and honey, a roasted chicken and all the trimmings. Donations can be submitted online at and select “Holiday” in the dropdown menu. Donations can also be made by mailing a check to JFS, Att: Holiday Meals, 5801 W. 115th St., Overland Park, KS 66211.