On Sunday, Aug. 14, from 7:30 to 9 p.m., Mitzvah Garden (MGKC) is hosting The Garden Glow at Sunset “FRIENDraiser” behind The Temple, Congregation B'nai Jehudah.

The event is a celebration of MGKC and will feature a glowing hot air balloon, drinks, treats, games, music, and an auction to support MGKC.  

The Garden Glow at Sunset is a chance to meet new B’nai Jehudah clergy Rabbi Caitlin Brazner and Rabbi Rachel Rothstein, as well as other people from throughout our community.

For more information and to purchase tickets in advance, those interested should visit eventbrite.com/e/the-garden-glow-at-sunset-tickets-387551526047.

More information can be reached by emailing or through direct message on Facebook or Instagram @mitzvahgardenkc.