The community is invited to learn about the trees and bees at Ohev Sholom’s “What’s Buzzin” event.

The community is invited to join the Ohev Sholom Sisterhood and its young families for “What’s Buzzin.”

The program will take place at 10:30 a.m. on August 29, and will include a guided tour of the Mitzvah Garden KC. Participants will learn about the trees — some representing the trees of Israel, including the etrog tree.

Following the tour, the group will meet in the pavilion for a presentation with a beekeeper to learn about bees, how they make honey, and how we can help reverse the declining honey bee population.

Rabbi Beryl Padorr will give a brief presentation about the connection between the Mitzvah Garden KC and the High Holy Days, along with a project to take home. Each family will receive honey from the Mitzvah Garden KC for their apples and honey for Rosh Hashanah.

Please RSVP to assure there are enough handouts and honey for those attending. RSVP by calling Bev Levine at 913-707-0872.

The group will meet in the Mitzvah Garden KC, with parking on the far west side of the parking lot of The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah, 12320 Nall Avenue. Please bring a chair for the presentation in the pavilion.