Elul - the month leading up to the High Holy Days - is a time of self-reflection, forgiveness, and exploration. To make the most of this special time of year, The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah’s new senior rabbi, Rabbi Stephanie Kramer, is teaming up with the entire B’nai Jehudah staff for a month of learning, hands-on experiences and spiritual offerings.

“This Sweet & Sacred Series will help participants reflect, explore, and contemplate in anticipation of the upcoming New Year. It also gives me an opportunity to meet and connect with even more members in our community, something I look forward to doing,” said Rabbi Kramer. 

There are a variety of events for all ages from August 11 to September 1. B’nai Jehudah invites everyone to join them at one or more of these events as the congregation celebrates coming back in person as a community once again.

Events are as follows:

Living Elul with the Klein Collection, 1:00 p.m., August 11. Join Rabbi Kramer and Klein collection educator/curator Abby Magariel in an exploration of objects from the Klein Collection, celebrating and thinking about the ways we prepare for the High Holidays and the year ahead during the month of Elul.

Havdalah for the Heart, 7:00 p.m., August 14. Experience Havdalah with your senses during this musical intergenerational Havdalah. Create an art project, listen to music, and enjoy a tasty treat.

Power of Preparation, 12:00 p.m., August 19. “On Rosh Hashanah it is written, on Yom Kippur it is sealed.” Come explore the meaning of some of our central prayers of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Music and a light lunch included.

Creating Sacred Space: Challah Braiding Workshop, 4:30 p.m., August 22. Become a challah-braiding expert at this intergenerational challah baking and braiding course. Learn some tricks and tips about Round Challah designs and share insights about preparing your home spiritually and physically for the Jewish New Year.

Kesher Connection with Emily: The Sweet Taste of Mussar, 7:00 p.m., August 25. Craving some balance in your life? Explore the popular spiritual practice of Mussar and sweeten your outlook on life with middot and sugar.

Breaking Sweet Bowls and Making Them Sacred, 10:00 a.m., August 29. Join in the process of physically and metaphorically restoring something broken and creating something new. This project will help prepare us for the High Holidays using a combination of the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery, called Kintsugi, and a look at reflective and restorative text from our tradition. This project is appropriate for all ages, little hands will need assistance.

Blasting into the New Year, 2:00 p.m., September 1. Explore the Shofar, its sounds, and the rituals surrounding it. Together we will gain new insights into the role that Shofar plays in our tradition, the lessons it can teach us, and what its calls can inspire us to do in our world. We will then turn those insights into tangible, visual pieces to help inspire us all year.

Events are free of charge and will follow B’nai Jehudah’s current COVID protocols. Some events will be held outside, others in the building.

To attend any of the Sweet & Sacred events, please register at www.bnaijehudah.org/elul2021 or 913.663.4050. Registration is required at least two days in advance of each event to ensure enough space and materials for all who attend.