The annual Day of Discovery will bring the community together for a day of Jewish learning and study from 9:30 a.m. to  3:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 22.

This collaborative program provides adult members of the community an opportunity to get acquainted and learn from local and talented Jewish teachers, educators and clergy as they “discover” the wonderful teachers in our community and are further motivated to continue studying with these individuals in the future. Two family-oriented service projects will take place for youth and parents in the morning.

This year’s program will take place virtually using Zoom and a new and improved online platform. A limited number of adult and family-oriented sessions will be offered in person. Volunteers are available by phone to assist with registration for those who would like assistance and technology assistance will also be offered the day of the program

Classes will be offered throughout the day on a wide range of topics. For information, a link to the registration website and a complete listing of classes with descriptions and presenters, visit

The deadline to register is August 16 and participants are asked to register early as some classes have limited spaces. Registration fees increase after August 16. Zoom links for each session will be sent a few days prior to the program.

Nearly 30 classes are offered during Day of Discovery, including:

“Auschwitz: Not long ago. Not far away,” with Jessica Rockhold, executive director, Midwest Center for Holocaust Education. This session explores the topic as it is presented in the international exhibition

How Learning Yiddish Helps You Think More Jewish with Rukhl Schaechter, editor, Yiddish Forward. Learn Yiddish expressions and examples of when to use them.

The White Supremacist Movement Today: After the January 6 Uprising with Leonard Zeskind, Founder, Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights

Growing Positive Adult-Child Relationships to Raise a Healthier Community with Sondra Wallace, MSEd JFS Mental Health Coalition & YouBeYou Coordinator. Learn how preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences can help all children and their families reach their full potential.

Journey to 50: 50 Years of Women in the Rabbinate with Rabbi Sarah Smiley, The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah. Explore the history of women in the rabbinate, and examine how having women’s voices in our midst has impacted our Jewish community.

Does Jewish Law Mandate a COVID Vaccine? with Rabbi Mark Glass, Congregation Beth Israel Abraham Volineer.

Civilian Casualties in War - A Torah Perspective with Rabbi Aron Rubin, Kansas City Kollel. Explore this complex topic from the perspective of Jewish law and see what Jewish sources have to say about it.

Oslo and Orthodoxy: Orthodox Rabbinic Authorities Respond to The Israeli/Arab Peace Process with Rabbi Moshe Grussgott, Kehilath Israel Synagogue. Examine views ranging from vehement opposition to support for the Israeli/Arab peace process.

Demystifying Sacred Drama with Lezlie Zucker, music coordinator, Congregation Beth Torah. She will share shares tips, tricks, and the surprising paradoxes of creating sacred drama within a religious context.

Judaism and Islam: In the Other’s Words with Sarah Aptilon, assistant professor of religious studies at Johnson County Community College, and Inas Younis, independent journalist and commentator. These Muslim and Jewish writers and educators will each introduce the other’s tradition, explaining both the similarities between them and the important ways in which they diverge.

Holiday Treats for the Body and Soul Through Food and Holiday Music with Hazzan Tal Ben Yehuda, Director of Congregational Learning, Congregation Beth Shalom. She will lead participants on a journey of nourishing the body and soul in preparation for the High Holy Days.

A lunch and discussion featuring the popular Religion on the Line radio show co-hosts Rabbi Michael Zedek, Dr. Bob Hill and Deacon Bill Scholl will take place from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.

This program is co-sponsored by The Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City in partnership with The J KC, Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City, Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy, Jewish Family Services, Village Shalom and area congregations.

For information, visit or contact Annette Fish, administrator/program director, Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City, by email at or by phone at 913-327-8226.