It can be unsettling to think that the person sitting next to you in the classroom is doing so on an empty stomach – not because they chose to skip breakfast or lunch, but because they simply didn’t have enough food to eat.

Sadly this is the reality for many college students, with the problem of food insecurity getting worse in recent years. In fact, a recent Students Against Hunger survey found that 22% of students had very low food security, meaning they were often experiencing hunger.

It was earlier this year when a devoted staff member at Chabad noticed that some of the students they worked with simply weren’t getting enough to eat. This pressing issue was brought up to the students and an incredible idea was born, to establish a pantry where students can come and get any supplies they may need at any time, no questions asked.

Thankfully, there are many students on campus who also saw the problem and were determined to make a difference. They pooled their resources and established the first ever Chabad’s “Give ‘n Get” student pantry.

The way it works is that students who find themselves with a surplus of food, toiletries or other basic supplies can drop them off at the Chabad House and they are then placed in an open pantry. Students are then welcome anytime to come by and take whatever they need, and if they are in a good place financially, they can contribute as well to share the love with others.

In addition, as per KU dining regulations, many of the dining points do not carry over for the following year. With this in mind, a group of KU freshmen decided to use their remaining dining dollars to purchase basic necessities and snacks that helped launch the “Give n Get” pantry at Chabad.

Ivy Greenberg, a freshman from Minneapolis, took the lead on making this idea become a reality.

“I was so excited with the idea of turning our extra dining points into this Mitzvah. This is a great way to support our fellow students instead of letting the money go to waste,” she said. “ Chabad does such an amazing job helping the community, and I am so glad to be able to be a part of it.”

The “Give ‘n Get panty” program has already been met with a tremendous response with the students being so appreciative of this vital resource.

“One of our main goals at the Chabad House is simply to serve as a Home Away From Home for every student,” said Nechama Tiechtel,  the co-director of KU Chabad. “We want each student to feel just like they are right at home where they can simply walk in, open the closets and fill up. Because after all, every one of them truly is part of the family.”

In response to this great need, a group of KU students are now embarking on a new project to build a “Little Free Pantry” right outside the Chabad House on the busy 19th Street thruway. Inspired by Little Free Libraries around town, this small wooden pantry can be stocked by anyone with non-perishable foods and toiletries for passersby to utilize.

“We have so many people in our community that have been helping to keep people fed all year,” said Ethan Millstein, a KU student who is working on this project with his peers. “This little outdoor pantry will allow for citizens who can give to drive by and keep it stocked with non-perishable goods and for people in need to take without judgement at any time of the day.”

If you want to contribute towards the “Give ‘n Get” food pantry by helping fund to replenish the supplies, please visit the KU Chabad website at and put “Pantry” in the notes section. You can also reach out to Rabbi Zalman Tiechtel at 785-917-0200.

Thankfully we can now say that there is less hunger on campus, thereby enabling even more young people to succeed in their endeavors and guaranteeing a brighter future for all.