Susan Peavler announces the Bar Mitzvah of her son, Trey James, at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 5, at The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah at the Jewish Community Campus. Trey is also the son of the late Tim Peavler, and big brother to his early departed baby sister Tori.

He is the grandson of Zolan and Doris Gilgus, Nancy Peavler Barton of Ardmore, Oklahoma, and the late Tom Peavler of Waverly, Kansas.

Trey enjoys BMX biking and parkour. He likes putting things together and building anything with his hands. He is a seventh grader at Pleasant Ridge Middle School, where he is involved in crew for the theater department.

For his mitzvah project, Trey collected toiletries for the homeless in conjunction with Free Hot Soup.