Hacker Honor

Tina Hacker

The Writer’s Place hosts its annual Celebration of the Muses from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, May 12.. This year they will honor two members and volunteers, Maryfrances Wagner and Tina Hacker, for their many years of service to The Writers Place. Ann Slegman Isenberg and Tom Isenberg will host the event, which will include a buffet.


Hacker is a past member of Temple Beth El and Kehilath Israel Synagogue. 

 Some of Hacker’s favorite memories at The Writers Place are the Jewish reading she sponsored, including a kosher buffet, and the Italian reading she emceed with a very “falso” Italian accent.

Hacker will be reading poetry for the May 22 CouldBursT event at Congregation Beth Torah. She will be reading two poems at this event. Additionally, she has written several poems on the Holocaust and Jewish life and most of them have been published.

To purchase a ticket(s), send a check to: The Writers Place, 3607 Pennsylvania Ave, Kansas City, MO 64111. Make the check out to: The Writers Place and indicate that you are buying tickets to the Muse event.