Community abuzz over accusations DJ involved in pornography

The Jewish community was buzzing last week when people learned that a popular DJ in the community who is a youth soccer coach in Lee’s Summit was accused of making child pornography. Joel White was charged in U.S. District Court Tuesday, April 23, with producing child pornography by secretly videotaping members of his soccer team and was refused bond.

White owns Adida DJ Entertainment & Photography and by all accounts is one of the most popular DJs on the local Bar/Bat Mitzvah circuit. According to Facebook posts, White’s arrest sent many families scrambling to find another DJ for upcoming events.

A look at his Facebook page indicates that since January 2012 White — or an associate employed by his company — has entertained teens at more than 50 mitzvah celebrations. The last post is dated Feb. 27. The company also worked at several teen/family events held at Oakwood Country Club and entertained at a party for AZA 2’s chapter.

The Chronicle has also learned that several Jewish teenage girls worked for White or Adida DJ Entertainment & Photography as a dance girl or party pic photographer. None of the girls’ parents contacted by the The Chronicle wished to comment on the situation.

No one contacted by The Chronicle who had hired White to entertain at their events in the past ever had any suspicions he was involved in illegal acts involving children. Many did not want to speak on the record, or engage in lashon harah (gossip) about activities they know nothing about.

Michelle Cole hired White to be the DJ at her daughter’s Bat Mitzvah in 2010. She was pleased with his work and hired his company, which provided another DJ, to entertain at her son’s Bar Mitzvah earlier this year.

“I never would have thought of him like this. I never saw him acting inappropriately with any of the kids,” Cole said.

Another family who wishes to remain anonymous used White’s DJ service twice for Bar Mitzvah parties, in 2010 and 2012.

“Our family also saw him at many other Bar/Bat Mitzvah parties. He was always professional and appeared to have the kids’ best interests at heart. That is why this story is so disturbing. It is a reminder to have open dialogue with your children about child predators. Let them know that they can always come to you if they are ever put in an uncomfortable position,” said the mother.

Kevin Blayney, a Chronicle photographer who often photographs Bar and Bat Mitzvah celebrations in the community, has worked with White many times over the past five years. He most recently worked at an event with White on April 20, just days before White’s arrest.

“I always got along with him well,” Blayney said. “During the times I worked with him I felt he acted professionally. I have never seen Joel White ever act inappropriately with any guests while I was covering the same mitzvah celebration as he.”

He heard the news from a former client.

“I saw the TV story regarding his past history and still could not believe it. I thought I knew him, but apparently I only knew what he projected to others,” Blayney said.

“All everyone can do now is pray justice is served and the truth will come out,” he continued.