Thank you Louis Memorial Chapel

Last week we held the funeral for our mother, Judy Cooper, of blessed memory.

One of the best memories we have taken with us from this is the incredible way we were treated by everyone at Louis.

No head of state could have been made to feel more comfortable and/or important. They anticipated every need and took care to make sure all was handled perfectly.

Thank you all, you are to be commended. You weren’t just doing your jobs; you exemplified what it means to care about your chosen careers and the people with whom you come in contact.

Deanna  Cooper Rudd
Jay, Mark and David Cooper

Stand with us

The Boycott, Sanctions, Divestment (BDS) movement is an existential threat to Israel, according to Rabbi Daniel Gordis who spoke so eloquently about this threat at this week’s AIPAC Kansas City Israel Action Forum. Yet, the BDS movement has not received the attention it deserves from the Jewish community. There is one international organization, Stand With Us, whose focus is to “challenge the misinformation that often surrounds the Middle East conflict.” Stand With Us proactively addresses the BDS movement through education, resources, speakers, conferences and campus activism. The organization uses the Internet very effectively to spread its positive message. I urge those who care about the survival of Israel to “friend” Stand With Us on Facebook and to check out its website, Stand With Us is about grassroots involvement; with just a few clicks you can make a difference on this critical issue.

Judy Press
Overland Park, Kan


Appalling support

Recently you published an announcement about Boy Scout Shabbat services to be held on Feb. 26 and Mar. 12. In my opinion, the sponsorship of Boy Scout and Cub Scout troops by Beth Shalom and Kehilath Israel, respectively, for the Kansas City Jewish community is a stain on what I had believed was the community’s commitment to universal human rights, opposition to all types of discrimination, and tikkun olam.

Since 1991, openly homosexual individuals have been officially prohibited from leadership positions in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). And if a Scout admits to being a homosexual, the Boy Scouts’ policy is to instantly terminate his association with the BSA. Although the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2000 that the BSA can ban gays, members as well as leaders, from being involved in Scouting (notably supported by Orthodox Jewish organizations), I am appalled that local Jewish institutions continue to support as organization that blatantly, albeit legally, discriminates against gay males. By excluding gay men from leadership positions, gay teenagers are denied the opportunity to be mentored and counseled by positive gay role models.

Both the Union for Reform Judaism and the Central Conference of American Rabbis have adopted formal resolutions endorsing civil rights for gays and lesbians, including same-gender civil marriages, and the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism issued a statement calling on Jewish families and congregations to sever ties with BSA, calling the BSA policy incompatible with the organization’s beliefs. Nationwide, many Jewish congregations across religious movements have severed ties with the BSA because of its discrimination. However, there is a paucity of Jewish organizations, nationally and locally, that have stood up in support of equality in Scouting.

Are we not all created in the image of God and deserving of equal treatment? Although as U.S. citizens we have the right of free association, should local Jewish institutions be associated with the BSA, which practices institutional discrimination? I am extremely disappointed that the local Jewish community and two sponsoring congregations continue to support an association that practices hate.

Jeffrey B. Levine
Kansas City, Mo.

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire that took place in New York City a century ago is now being memorialized in programs across the country. It took that fire on March 25, 1911, and the deaths of 146 innocent garment workers — mostly women, mostly Jewish, mostly immigrants — to bring about meaningful safety regulations, and to respect the call of workers struggling to secure the benefits of union membership. Many of our grandparents and great-grandparents played a critical role in building a strong and vibrant labor movement with the hope that it would endure and remain a permanent feature of American life. Through their actions and their struggle, our lives and the lives of most Americans were made better. Today, those hard-fought gains are under threat in communities across the United States.

What has emerged in Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana and across America is an attack against working men and women in both the public and private sector. The targets are the public employees now, but their intention is to come after all unionized workers.

The federal government, using taxpayer money, bailed out the banks and saved Wall Street. Now, corporate leaders and the elected officials they support are saying thank you by demanding tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and budgets balanced on the backs of working people — including many in the Jewish community. It’s a perverse form of gratitude.
The budget deficits cited to rationalize the attacks on public service workers’ collective bargaining rights are nothing more than a diversion: the real aim is to debilitate the labor movement state by state, for political, not economic, ends, and in doing so, curtail fundamental rights for all working people. That is why all of us need to speak up, now.

Fortunately, the latest opinion polls show that a vast majority of Americans continue to support the legal right of working people to be represented by the union of their choice, and to engage in collective bargaining. But as caring Jews, as thoughtful Americans, we must not become complacent — we must continue to speak out against the governor of Wisconsin and others of his ilk trying to dismantle the unions founded by our forefathers and foremothers and erode the workplace protections they fought so hard to achieve.

Many Jewish texts, from the Torah through the Talmud, deal specifically with the treatment of workers. The Torah urges “justice, justice, shall you pursue.” There is, then, a deeply moral, historical and theological basis for our efforts to close the widening gap between the rich and poor, and to prevent growing economic instability that will be detrimental for all Americans. This demands that we strengthen, not weaken, private and public sector unions to ensure that current and aspiring middle class Americans attain a decent standard of living and greater economic security.

The history of the American Jewish community is one of upward mobility and expanding economic opportunity. But upward mobility and shared prosperity cannot be achieved by lowering job standards and pitting workers against each other — which is what some would like to do. The artificial divisions that are part of the attack against organized labor must be challenged — by unions and their community allies as well. The Jewish Labor Committee is proud of our work to bring the Jewish community and the labor movement together in common cause — and we invite you to join us. If not now, when?

Durable coalitions that include organized labor and the organized Jewish community need to support policies that will boost overall working conditions and lift up workers who are the least well-off. We know from our own experience that the middle class was built not by making jobs worse but making jobs better: unions fought hard to raise standards across industries and occupations, and we were all better off for it.

Remembering what Jews once did and continue to do for working people and for a strong American economy should make us hopeful about our ability to safeguard a society that promotes justice, and ensures equality and fairness for all.

It took that terrible fire a century ago to shock many into finally accepting the need for reform, and to defend the interests of workers. Solidarity with garment workers, and among workers of diverse kinds, became a daily bond that fortified our own communities. We must remember this today as we remember those who perished in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire 100 years ago, and now honor the courageous men and women of Wisconsin, and all working people whose basic rights are under attack.

Stuart Appelbaum is president of the Jewish Labor Committee and president of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, UFCW.

I have fond memories of my grandmothers and my own mother getting ready to light Sabbath candles. Right before lighting candles, however, they would rush to get some coins for me and my brother or cousins to drop in a pushke, a tzedakah box. It was a blue and white box supplied by the Jewish National Fund, and the money was meant to help plant trees in Israel.

Obviously the good people at the JNF were aware of kids like me who would try to remove coins from the pushke, so it had little metal pieces hanging in from the inside that prevented one from trying to remove some coins when adults where not looking! I assume many people may have similar memories and many keep this practice till this day. Giving tzedakah right before lighting Shabbat candles is a way of adding one more mitzvah, of getting one more meritorious action in before the week is over.

I wonder, however, how many people know about the origin of the pushke. Would you believe that it is connected with a rabbi who lived almost 1,900 years ago, and with proto-zionism? There has been an uninterrupted Jewish presence in the Land of Israel. Even after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans and the subsequent exile of Jews to Rome, and throughout history Jews, have lived in Israel and even moved there from other places in the world. One of their greatest difficulties was that there were no ways to make a living in Israel, there was almost no economy then. Thus, they had to rely on help coming from Jewish communities outside of Israel.

In 1830, Jews from Galicia (Poland) who had come to the land of Israel to spend a lifetime pursuing their Torah studies on a full-time basis created the first charity of its kind: the Kolel Chibas Jerusalem Rabbi Meir Baal Haness Charity. Its goal was to sponsor the upkeep of the institution itself and the living expenses of the students and their families. It was founded in the Orthodox quarter of Mea Shearim and it still exists. Through a network of emissaries, tzedakah boxes were distributed and collected periodically throughout Poland and later in other communities as well.

The charity was named after Rabbi Meir, the miracle maker. He was a Jewish sage who lived in the time of the Mishna. According to a legend, his father was a descendant of the Roman Emperor Nero who had converted to Judaism. He was married to Bruriah, who was extremely wise as well as beautiful and is one of the few women cited in the Gemara. I assume that the decision of naming the charity after Rabbi Meir was a brilliant marketing device. According to the Talmud, prior to Rabbi Meier Baal Haness’ death, he observed the terrible situation that resulted from the hunger in Eretz Yisrael. He proclaimed that he would intercede in Heaven for whoever would give tzedakah for his soul, and the money should be distributed to the poor in the land of Israel. From this tradition derived the custom of giving charity to the tzedakah of Rabbi Meyer Baal Haness when one is in a situation of any need or distress.

The idea of a pushke, or tzedakah box, was so popular that the Jewish National Fund adopted it, and from there comes the blue and white box that is so familiar to us.

Jews around the world will celebrate Purim on the 14th of Adar, March 19, except in cities which were walled at the time of Joshua, like Jerusalem. In that case, Jerusalemites will celebrate on the 15th of Adar, the evening of March 20.

During the past few weeks, I’ve been walking around Jerusalem, sometimes on cold, crisp, sunny days when the wind was normal, sometimes when it was rainy and sometimes when it was a bit warmer to see the signs of the upcoming Purim holiday.

The first sign was in bakeries. Last year an article reported that during Purim Israelis eat 24.5 million hamantaschen. The same article said the average Israeli eats five during the holiday, the ones with poppy seed filling being the most popular.

What is the good news? Hamantaschen are an excellent source of calcium.

What is the bad news? Each 50-gram hamantasch has 200 calories. The poppy seeds in the popular filling contain high amounts of oil but also fiber, calcium and iron.

Bakeries are already selling hamantaschen. They range in price from $6 for a kilo (2.2 pounds) to $15.06 and come in a variety of flavors including the popular poppy seed, chocolate, date, nuts and halva.

When Israelis aren’t thinking about hamantaschen, they are thinking about what they will wear during the celebration. Come Purim week, adults and children alike will be walking around town in costumes because in Israel, everyone loves to dress up!

It’s often hard to distinguish the costumes at a lot of stores because they are all covered in plastic coverings. However, I was able to detect a large number of costumes of Queen Esther, princesses, policemen, bunnies, soldiers and Superman.

Aside from complete costumes, there are also wigs, bunny ears, masks, capes, braids, colored glasses, hose, gloves, fans, jewelry, and shoes. Mustaches, beards, lipstick, nail polish, glitter and sprays of different colors.

Barry isn’t big on costumes but says he’ll wear a great looking leather cowboy hat he bought here. I love costumes and will probably dream up something wearing a long, black check jumper which has let me be Maria from Sound of Music (with cardboard guitar) and Dorothy from Kansas which I enjoyed the most!

While writing these words, another revolution is happening in Libya. Hundreds of people are getting killed on the streets only because they have had enough of the dictatorship of Gadhafi. We are witnessing significant sociological events that are taking place in the Arab world and it seems that this is a time of awakening … much like 1848 in Europe. In 1848, Napoleon’s soldiers brought the ideas of freedom and liberty from the tyrant’s regimes; today it’s Facebook, Twitter and the Internet. The global village is reaching to new places all the time and the connection that we have with one another is crossing continents and cultures.

The culture of the dictator’s regimes in the Arab world has existed since the dawn of history. In most cases, the Arab tyrants repressed their people, resulting in personal financial gain. Oddly enough, many of these dictators initially rose to power from the socialist spirit. In addition to all of this, most dictators in Arab countries rule populations that are deeply divided between unique tribal and/or religious cultures. In fact, Iran is one of the only countries in the Arab world that is defined by historical borders and not borders that were made by a European empire — one which didn’t consider the cultural differences in those countries. That fact is now more important than ever, as it teaches us that there may be many faces to those revolutions in the Arab world.

It’s hard for us to understand the social processes that are going on in the Arab world while looking through Western eyes, which are convinced in the righteousness of the democratic way and look at it as something obvious and natural. We Westerners view revolution as the quickest way to another democracy in the world; for more widespread justice and liberty.

But it is not so. Gaining a democracy is a long and tedious process. Just like a baby, democracy needs parents who are prepared for it. The birth is not enough. As with raising children, there is a long and slow process of education and development.

The Arab nations are not used to democratic regimes. A democratic regime requires education: education for freedom of thoughts, critical views and understanding for the limits of the freedom under a democracy.

The people in Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, etc., will have to deal with many challenges: to agree on a new regime; to keep it stable and to decide what the common goals of those nations are. It is not an impossible goal, as history shows us. But it is a long process that will take time, a process during which we won’t see much stability in those regimes.

Today, through Western eyes, we can’t say which forces will take control on those important countries tomorrow. Will they be extreme Islamic forces? Will it be a different tyrant? Will it be a democracy in the making after all? And what will it decide on its approach toward the West? Toward Israel?

As we witness these important events, we cannot predict the outcome. Only time will tell.
What we can do now is ask ourselves what can we learn as citizens of democratic countries? What can we learn about the power that we have in a democratic society? Are we using our power to create changes in our world, or are we satisfied in only changing our vote every four years? What kind of responsibility do we have in changing the world around us? Do we have a responsibility for future generations?

As an Israeli I look at the events in the Middle East, a region that is saturated with revolutions and lack of stability, democracy or freedom, and I understand that it’s too early to know how the situation in the Arab countries will affect the state of Israel. One scenario is the escalation of Islamic fundamentalist regimes. Another scenario is keeping the status quo with Israel. The last scenario, and the one that I hope for, is this: efforts will be made for peace between a just and enlightened regime with the state of Israel.

I am not to decide which regime is better for the Arab nations. I only hope that they will choose a system that will be the best for them and for their culture. The only concern of the Israeli people about the situation is that extremists will take control.

Let us hope that the end results for all of us is a peaceful Middle East.

At the corresponding time in this election cycle four years ago, the Democrats relentlessly criticized President Bush’s foreign policy concerning the war in Iraq. But it seems that after winning the mid-term elections so overwhelmingly, the Republicans have concentrated only on the economy and abortion, leaving the stage of U.S. foreign policy to President Barack Obama’s naive agenda.

But much worse, the Republican leadership was even supportive of Obama as the United States turned against a longtime ally like Mubarak, even though it carried the risk of weakening U.S. influence and national interests in the Middle East for a long time to come. The Republicans must be aware that under Obama, the United States is losing the Middle East to Iran and Islamic radicals and endangering its main strategic ally, Israel, in the process. If they want to win and protect U.S. interests, the Republicans must behave like an opposition and not give ground to Obama on any front. Otherwise, as was the case during Carter’s term in office, the damage to U.S. interests and Israel will be irreversible for many decades to come.

Speaker of the House John Boehner said after Mubarak stepped down that “the Obama administration handled what is a very difficult situation in Egypt about as well as it could be handled.” The Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, said during the crisis that “America ought to speak with one voice, and we have one president,” while McCain praised Obama’s handling of the situation and called on Mubarak to step down.

It is natural for Americans and Republicans to side with those who wish to have democratic reforms but a country should not sacrifice its national interests for idealistic dreams. If the Republican leadership talked to U.S. allies in the Middle East like Israel and Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the Gulf states, they would have realized the sense of betrayal and abandonment they felt after Obama’s actions. When Obama turned against Mubarak, a long-time U.S. ally, so quickly and publicly by supporting his ouster when political winds turned against his iron-fisted rule, every U.S. friend was reminded again that Obama is harmless and courteous to America’s enemies but treacherous and confrontational with its allies.

For two years Obama has had many public and humiliating confrontations with Israel, despite its being the only democracy in the Middle East, concerning a non issue over the natural growth in Jewish settlements. This past week when Israel felt alone and fearful of losing another moderate ally to Islamic radicals, like it did with Iran and Turkey, it was informed that the United States offered a deal to Arab governments that it would support a U.N. Security Council presidential statement rebuking Israel for “its continued settlement activity” in exchange for Arabs agreeing to withdraw their demand for a binding resolution.

It seems that the Middle East is changing but Obama has stayed the same, by singling out Israel again.

Just this week Obama has been silent while there has been a bloody crackdown on protesters in Libya. Just last week, after thousands of opposition protesters turned out again in Iran , Obama expressed sympathy with their yearnings but explained that there are limits to U.S. Influence in regard to sovereign regimes like Iran, because “America cannot dictate what happens.” Such a philosophy may further send a message to many leaders that it safer for them to be U.S. enemies and join the axis of evil.

After two years of “engaging” Iran and imposing economic sanctions, Iran continues its buildup of enriched uranium. Moreover, Obama helped the West lose Lebanon. Just in December, Obama increased Syria influence and stature by sending the U.S. ambassador back to Damascus despite the fact it has been rearming Hezbollah and it helped bringing down the pro U.S. government in Lebanon. Now, Hezbollah, with the help of Syria and Iran, will probably form the new government in Lebanon.

Now the enemies of Israel and the United States seem emboldened. Hezbollah chief Hassan Nassralah, stated last Wednesday that “Hezbollah will conquer Galilee if there is war with Israel,” adding that Israel is afraid and lost its confidence due to Mideast turmoil. Iran is provoking Israel by requesting Thursday, Feb. 17, to let two of its naval warships to transit through the Suez Canal on the way to Syria for training.

The true consequence of Obama’s foreign policy may not be realized for the next two years, but if the Republican opposition is missing, it helps Obama looks presidential and worldly enough to win another four years.

Shoula Romano Horing is an Israeli born and raised. She is an attorney in Kansas City, Mo., and a national speaker; Her blog: email address:

Kudos to Lilach Nissim

We want the community to know what a wonderful representative the State of Israel has in Lilach Nissim.

I asked Lilach to speak to the Brookridge Brownies Third Grade Troop 3491. They are learning about Israel and I thought who better than Lilach to enlighten them. Not only did she enlighten them with pictures, she shared “shakshuka” (an Israeli dish with eggs and tomato sauce and vegetables) with the girls and their parents.

She compared life in Israel to life in Kansas City, so it would be something the girls could understand. She had them “eating” out of her hand by the end of the afternoon. Both parents and Brownies truly enjoyed her enthusiastic and tasty presentation. The majority of girls were unfamiliar with Israel and she made a wonderful impression on them.

Todah Rabah from Brownie Troop 3491 — Brookridge Elementary School.

Debbie Adamous
Overland Park, Kan.

During the last presidential election my mother asked me the ultimate Jewish question: Which candidate was better for the Jews? That inquiry is the question of a people who have learned to live under unfriendly rule. I told her that such a question may have been pertinent in our native Brazil, where Jews live a far less secure life than in the USA. I proceeded to tell her that whoever would be the best president for America, would be the best choice for the Jews as well.

Although I can understand and relate to the feeling of insecurity and not belonging that pervades many Jewish communities worldwide, it is amazing to me that for Jews the whole world can be seen through a very narrow optic lens: is it good for the Jews?

During the past few weeks many have asked if what is going on in Egypt is good or bad for Israel. Even though I understand the many possible implications for Israel due to unrest in a neighboring country; thinking about what is going on in Egypt only in terms of how it affects Israel shows an extremely narrow focus. I would like to suggest that any event that happens worldwide that leads to freedom, transparency and the will of the people being heard is a good event, and thus it is ultimately good for the Jews. When tyrants are unseated, the hope for more overall freedom may become real; and that is a good thing for everyone. If something is good for the majority of Egyptians, then it must be good for the countries around Egypt as well, and it will be good for the Jews.

One of the major fears that I have heard expressed about a power transition in Egypt, is that the Muslim Brotherhood may gain power. Nothing brings disgrace to radical philosophies and ideas like being truly put to test. If in fact the people of Egypt choose and succeed in empowering the Muslim Brotherhood, Israel will also know how to deal with it and will have an easier time doing so than against an enemy that hides its true intentions of destroying Israel.

My personal impression about Egypt is based only on a short visit to that country almost 10 years ago as well as on what I hear and see on the news. The real problems that face that country have little to do with Israel. The real problem the average Egyptian young person faces is a dismal future. The economic possibilities are very bleak and hope for a better future is almost nonexistent. In the past, Arab leaders have used the Palestinian “problem” to divert the attention of the Arab masses away from their own problems. The events taking place in Egypt now are a sign that that strategy has stopped working. Hopefully the ousting of Hosni Mubarak will be followed by measures that will ensure a better economic future for all Egyptians. Only when Egyptians and other Arabs can have a better economic future, Israel will have a true chance for tranquility and peace.

At the same time that we hope and pray for peace not only for Israel and its neighbors, we should also be glad that the people of Egypt are freer now than they have ever been before, and that is good for the Jews.

QUESTION: My father died last year around this time. It is now the time of his first yahrzeit. He died on the 20th of Adar last winter or early spring. My synagogue has sent me two yahrzeit notices, one for the 20th of Adar I and one for the 20th of Adar II! What is this all about?

ANSWER: You have touched on one of the more complicated, but interesting topics in the Jewish calendar cycle.

Approximately every three years we have a Jewish leap year. In the Jewish leap year, there is an extra month not just an extra day like there is in the secular leap year. The reason for this extra month is that the Jewish year is a lunar year that contains approximately 354 days a year. That is over 11 days shorter than the 365 ¼ days in a secular solar year. Therefore, after just three years we are a month ahead of the secular year.

If we did not adjust our calendar an extra month approximately every three years, our holidays would fall completely out of line with the seasons. Pesach would be in the fall instead of the spring and Sukkot would be in the summer or the winter. A number of our holidays are tied and connected to seasons of the year. For example, Passover must be in the spring.

To keep our holidays in line with the seasons we need to “adjust” our calendar approximately every three years (actually a little more frequently than that) to keep our holidays in line with the appropriate seasons.

That extra month occurs during the month of Adar. So, instead of just having the plain month of Adar in the leap year (again approximately every three years), we have an Adar I and an Adar II. Since there is some debate among the rabbis of old as to which Adar is which with two of them, the tradition has developed in most synagogues and most legal circles that if one has a death in a plain year (a non-leap year) like last year when your dad, of blessed memory, died, then when the leap year comes around with the two months of Adar, the yahrzeit (to hedge our bets) is observed twice, once in each Adar on that appropriate day. So if someone has a loss on the 20th of Adar, in a leap it is observed on the 20th of Adar I AND the 20th of Adar II.

If one has a death in a leap year, where one’s relative is passing away in either Adar I or Adar II specifically, then in a future leap year that yahrzeit only occurs once in the appropriate month. Namely, if one has a loss in Adar I then the yahrzeit in future leap year months will always be in Adar I.

There are a few oddball things that occur as well. For example, if one loses a relative on the 30th of Adar I, when is the yahrzeit in future non-leap years? Since there is no 30th of Adar normally in a regular, non-leap year, that question requires a rather complicated answer that will be reserved for a future column.

This is a leap year, we are slowing things down. Last fall, Rosh Hashanah was only a couple of days from Labor Day. This year it will be almost in October. Starting from Purim through Pesach, etc., the holidays will be dramatically later than they were last year, bringing us back in line with the way the seasons should function. I hope this answers your question.