With the Passover distribution of Simcha Gifts completed, the program has marked its most successful year yet.

Over 1,050 Passover packages and kosher meals went out to Greater Kansas City and beyond with the help of 150 volunteers from across the spectrum of the Jewish community. 

Simcha Gifts are delivered to Jewish community members four times a year: before Rosh Hashana, Hanukkah, Purim and Passover. The program, under the auspices of the Chabad House Center, does not look at affiliation and includes anyone in need.

Simcha Gifts is funded privately through individual donations and sponsorships. The Lipsky family, in honor of their parents, Eugene and Marjorie, of blessed memory, provided partial funding for Hanukkah and Passover gifts. Grocery stores Price Chopper and Trader Joe’s donated items, and the Orthodox Union’s Maot Chitim Fund helped provide Passover food for families in need.

Those interested in more information about Simcha Gifts and volunteering can contact Jean Zeldin, volunteer coordinator, at , or Blumah Wineberg, Simcha Gifts coordinator, at (913) 940-1113.