In the April 16, issue of the Kansas City Jewish Chronicle we are treated to a treatise on Obama’s tender care for Israel (Obama stresses how much he cares for Israel, Page 1). Sure. The article fails to remind its readers of Obama’s refusal to attend Netanyahu’s address to the Congress or to meet with him, his reference to potential reprisals for Netanyahu’s speech, and his chief of staff subsequently threatening that 50 years of Israeli “occupation” is enough. (Never mind the Palestinians’ ardent position that Israel should not exist.) Two White House meetings enthusiastically described in The Chronicle included support from Jewish fundraisers for the Democratic Party, participants who did not agree to be identified, and as well mention of a left-leaning columnist. This piece describes “difficulties that Obama and Netanyahu have in communicating with one another,” but it was not Netanyahu who refused an audience with Obama.


Yet an additional left wing source quoted in this article is MSNBC. An amazing line thrown in would have us think that Congress regards the White House as insulated. {mprestriction ids="1,3"}Of course the Congress does because the White House is! The author of this piece observes that Netanyahu’s speech was arranged without consulting the White House, but unfortunately fails to point out that nothing in the Constitution of the U.S. requires such consultation.

The author observes that the meetings were attended by White House advisors whose qualifications appear to me to be questionable.

I express disappointment with The Chronicle for repeatedly printing such left-leaning stuff. I ask that The Chronicle work to try to achieve a balanced approach worthy of good journalism.{/mprestriction}