If you are like millions of other people across the globe, you might’ve made traditional New Year’s resolutions. But most people only stick to their resolutions for a couple of weeks. 

Rather than compile a list of resolutions this year, consider adopting ONE word for 2021. 

This process of choosing just one word provides clarity by taking all your big plans for life change and narrowing them down into a single focus. One word centers you and creates a vision for your future.

The concept of “Just One Word that will change your life” has been around for many years. It began as a simple question among friends, “What’s your theme for the upcoming year?” After typical speeches about hopes, dreams, aspirations and accomplishments the question was asked again, “I asked for one word, not a sermon.”  

These three friends — Jon Gordon, Dan Britton, and Jimmy Page — began challenging each other, as well as family and friends, to have a laser-like focus for the upcoming year which inspired them to share the concept with any one or audience who would listen.  In fact, after 20 years, it continues to be a proven way to “create clarity, power, passion and life changes.” 

Through intentional and unintentional experiences, one word has shown to have a powerful impact on six dimensions of our life: 

  • Spiritual
  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Relational
  • Mental
  • Financial

Gordon, Britton and Page suggest the following three steps to determine a single word meant for you.

Prepare your heart:
1) Disengage from the busyness and hectic pace of life;
2) Find space for silence & remove visual clutter; and
3) Ask yourself:  What do I need? What’s in my way? What needs to go?

Discover your word:  Plug into your faith and listen 

Live your word:
1) Keep it front & center-post it visually;
2) Apply it to every area of life, every day of the year; and
3) Share it with others.

Are you ready to shift from “to-DO” goals to “to-BE” goals? To shift from what we accomplish to what who we become?  It seems rather obvious we may choose words for 2021 such as healthy and hopeful. However, the most difficult choice may be to spend enough intentional time in silence to listen for the word that is being presented to you; the word challenging your heart, your actions and your thoughts. 

For more information about One Word, read “One Word that Will Change Your Life” by Jon Gordon, Dan Britton and Jimmy Page; or visit www.getoneword.com; www.Jongordon.com; www.myoneword.org; and www.oneword365.com.

Sondra Wallace is the Greater KC Mental Health Coalition and YouBeYou Youth Programming Coordinator for Jewish Family Services.