Now that Hanukkah 2017/5778 is behind us, it’s only 100 days until Passover. Earlier this year Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg published “Rosenberg English Holocaust Haggadah For Passover: Holocaust Poems and Essays to Supplement the Seder.” (Paperback, May 2017)

Rabbi Rosenberg put together the book, completely in English, as a tribute to Holocaust survivors. It offers a unique compilation of stories, essays, articles and poems from Holocaust survivors and their children and grandchildren. A variety of suggested questions are also included in the book for readers to share with their family at the seder table. 

Esther Levy contributed to the book and said “it was a huge honor and privilege for me to contribute to Rabbi Rosenberg’s Haggadah as part of the Haggadah Project.”

“People from all over the world participated with poems, articles and essays for the purpose of preserving the Holocaust for future generations and explaining from the heart what it means to be a Jew, to study Torah, to preserve the holidays, retelling the story of the Exodus yearly at Passover as a way of keeping alive the memory of beloved family murdered in the Holocaust and of those who survived with their lives and family history forever changed. G-d’s chosen people have continued to survive despite hatred and destruction through the ages. To read through traditional reciting of psalms and songs with love in our hearts affirms our blessed purpose of Jewish life on this earth. This haggadah is a precious gift to be cherished through the generations. If we don’t remember past tragic history, we may be doomed to repeat it,” Levy said. 

Rabbi Rosenberg was raised in Kansas City and is rabbi emeritus of Congregation Beth-El in Edison, New Jersey. He received his ordination and Doctorate of Education from Yeshiva University in New York. He also possesses A.A., B.A., M.A., and M.S. degrees in communication and education. He possesses a Doctor of Divinity from The Jewish Theological Seminary, New York. He taught at Rutgers University in New Jersey and Yeshiva University in New York. 

His book, “Theological and Halachic Reflections on the Holocaust” is now in its second printing. He is the author of “A Guide for the Jewish Mourner,” “Contemplating the Holocaust,” “What the Holocaust Means to Me: Teenagers Speak Out,” “Thoughts on the Holocaust — Where Was God Where Was Man — Teenagers Reflect on Major Themes of the Holocaust,” “The Holocaust as seen Through Film,” “Public Speaking — A Guide for Study” “Echoes of the Holocaust,” and his latest book “Genesis of the Palestinian Authority.” 

“Rosenberg English Holocaust Haggadah For Passover: Holocaust Poems and Essays to Supplement the Seder” can be purchased through online booksellers.