Bob DeWitt sworn into admittance for practice before Supreme Court

Community member and retired attorney Bob DeWitt recently returned from Washington, D.C., certified to practice law before the U.S. Supreme Court.

DeWitt is one of 15 alumni from the University of Missouri Kansas City School of Law who were invited to Washington this month to be sworn into admittance for practice before the Supreme Court.

“This is something that goes on around the country to various law schools periodically, and I had the opportunity and privilege to join the group from Kansas City,” DeWitt said.

DeWitt, now 91 years old, passed his bar exam in 1954 and practiced law for more than 60 years. For 45 years, he was in a law firm partnership with community member Stan Zeldin. Despite being retired, he can now practice law in the highest court in the land.

“At my age, that’s obviously not what I’m planning on doing, but the honor of going and being admitted to practice was something I’ve always thought about,” he said.

The trip to Washington with the UMKC alumni was set to occur three years ago, but the ensuing COVID-19 pandemic resulted in its cancellation. Another potential trip was canceled last year, and DeWitt was concerned that he wouldn’t get the chance to go.

Thankfully, the opportunity arose again this year, and DeWitt was able to travel to Washington and be sworn in. Although he said that being admitted is not an entirely unique honor, DeWitt’s experience was certainly one-of-a-kind.

“It was just luck and coincidence that all nine of the justices of the Supreme Court were in attendance in the courtroom when our group from Kansas City was sworn in,” DeWitt said. “It just so happened that they had other matters to take up in the court, and we were all there, so we got to see all of them in person.”

John Roberts, Chief Justice of the United States, came into the dining room where the UMKC group was having breakfast before the hearing. Meeting Chief Justice Roberts, DeWitt said, “was also quite a thrill.”

DeWitt remains active in the Kansas City Jewish community, often at the Jewish Community Center and The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah. He is a member of the Retired Old Men’s Eating Organization (the ROMEOs). He and his wife, Kathy, are proud parents of four children and three grandsons.