The Tzofim Friendship Caravan is returning to Kansas City this July 22-25, and home accommodations for the traveling group are needed.

Each caravan is composed of five girls and five boys, as well as their two leaders, and host families would be responsible for drop-offs and pick-ups at The J and for providing food and beds during their time in town. Those interested can contact Kaitlin Birnbaum at 913-981-8803 or

The group will give a free, interactive performance full of song and dance on Monday, July 24 at 7 p.m. in the Jewish Community Campus Social Hall. For more information, visit

“We are excited to welcome the Tzofim Friendship Caravan back to Kansas City,” said Kaitlin Birnbaum, director of family engagement at The J. “We hope everyone can join us – the live song and dance performance is free and fun for all ages.”

The Tzofim Friendship Caravan is celebrating more than 40 years of bringing their performances to North America. Each member is chosen based on, in part, their fluency in English and their flair for the performing arts, and members go through multiple competitive auditions and interviews before being selected. Once joining a caravan, the scouts spend a year training and rehearsing for their summer in North America.

The Tzofim Friendship Caravan was most recently in Kansas City in 2018. Both times, the Boy Scouts of America helped sponsor and bring the event to the community.

“The Tzofim Friendship Caravan had been coming to Kansas City for many years, but this is the first time since the COVID pandemic,” said Ted Goldstein, volunteer coordinator. “This is a unique and exciting opportunity for the entire community to enjoy a very entertaining and vibrant, complete with costume changes and audience interaction. If you have attended one of their concerts in the past, you already know what a fun-filled and entertaining performance this is – if you have not, now is your opportunity!”

More information about this year’s free performance and registration is available at