Kehilath Israel Synagogue will be hosting Une Soiree Parisienne (A Parisian Evening) on Oct. 30.

K.I.’s new Hazzan, Aron Hayoun, and his family came to Kansas City from Paris. K.I. staff and leaders, happy to welcome Hazzan Hayoun, decided to go “all out” with a four-course gourmet meal featuring French cuisine.

Chef Brian Aaron and his team from Tannin Wine Bar and Kitchen will prepare and serve a Vaad-supervised kosher French meal. Each course will be accompanied by a discussion of the food and a kosher wine pairing under the selection of Aaron Fry, a K.I. congregant and sommelier.

During the meal, Beau Bledsoe and the Ensemble Iberica will perform French music with performers from South America and Europe. There will be music for optional dancing as well.

K.I. will hold a traditional raffle with prizes including Kansas City Chiefs football tickets, New Theatre tickets, a $1,000 cash prize, and more. Tickets for the Oct. 30 event at K.I. are $200 per person or $2,500 for table sponsors.