Hanukkah begins Sunday night, November 28, and Jewish Family Services will provide gift cards for essentials for 300 families in Kansas City through its annual Holiday Project.

Through the Hanukkah Holiday Project, gifts will be provided to these families through donations by community members. While many of the gifts have already been purchased, JFS still needs gift cards for these families.

Until Nov. 15, JFS is seeking gift cards in $25 increments from Target, Walmart, Amazon, HyVee, Price Chopper or Hen House. Gift cards will be given to recipients, allowing them to shop for themselves or to help purchase groceries and other essentials.

Gift cards may be mailed to JFS or dropped off outside the JFS office at the Jewish Community Campus. JFS will also purchase gift cards for donors who donate online at jfskc.org/donate-holiday/.

Checks may be mailed or dropped in a secure drop box outside the JFS offices at the Jewish Community Campus or in Brookside at 425 E. 63rd St., Kansas City.

Families will receive their gifts through volunteer deliveries on Friday, November 19.

Volunteers are needed to help inventory and organize gifts for four to eight hours a week until November 19 at the JFS Overland Park office. To learn more, email .