Over the first two weeks of the school year, KU Hillel welcomed more than 150 college students through their doors with a variety of exciting events and activities.

Moving to a new Hillel location steps from campus has allowed more students to swing by between classes to grab snacks whenever they are hungry or make up a fresh cup of coffee to gear up for studying, Suzy Sostrin, Hillel executive director, said.

“Every day we get to see new and returning students alike,” Sostrin said, “From Welcome Back Shabbat to our huge outdoor Block Party, we are able to connect students with a wide variety of interests.”

Welcome Week started with deliveries to freshmen and other new KU students, dropped off at their doors. Each bag had sweet treats to celebrate the first day of classes and Hillel swag including new KU Hillel keychains.

At the Block Party, students were so excited to grab seconds and thirds from the Mediterranean food truck we brought in from Kansas City.

“I loved going to Hillel’s Block Party because it was a great way to start off the semester by reuniting with my Jewish friends that I had not seen all summer,” junior Cydney Berman said. “It was also a bonus that there was falafel.”

Hillel also had inflatable games, including a climbing wall, basketball and more, and tie-dye stations. New friendships were formed while creating custom Hillel shirts and trying out rock climbing.

The next day, Hillel brought out their brand-new kosher grill on the patio for the first kosher lunch of the school year.

After a long week of classes, the Hillel Jewish community came together for Welcome Back Shabbat. Services were led by Rabbi Neal Schuster and student-song leaders Noah Kahn and Jake Niefeld.

After services, students got to know each other better during dinner, Sostrin said.

“One of the best moments was seeing so many new students stay late around dinner tables, deep in conversation,” she said.

The following week had a partnership event with the AEPi fraternity, which is now across the street from KU Hillel’s new location, and a Shabbat 5:30. Shabbat 5:30s are casual Friday gatherings at 5:30 pm.

As the High Holidays begin, the Hillel community will be back together for dinner and services at the Burge Union, on-campus, for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.