JVS accepts donations on a walk-in basis at its main location at 4600 Paseo, Kansas City, Missouri, from 8:30 am to 4 pm,  Monday to Friday.

For larger items, you are able to schedule a donation pickup. Household items must be boxed in a container that is stackable (plastic bin with cover, cardboard box, etc.). Furniture can be left in its original location and our movers will take it from a 2nd floor or basement, as long as there is a clear path to an exit.

JVS is not able to schedule a donation pick up for clothing only, but will pick up bagged or boxed clothing along with other donated items. Hangers are also appreciated.

Visit jvskc.org/get-involved/donate-stuff/ for more information and to fill out the required donation form.



Starting Sept. 4, coffee cakes from My Grandma’s of New England will be available at area Balls Food stores, including local Hen Houses and Price Choppers. The cakes can be purchased for $12.99.

These will be the only stores selling My Grandma’s within 200 miles of Kansas City. The certified kosher cakes are popular Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur break-the-fast treats on the East Coast.



The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah is saying goodbye to Damien Timms, the synagogue’s rabbinic administrative assistant for the past four years. Timms is taking the next step in his professional career, having accepted the role of executive director for a synagogue in Virginia.

“... Damien became integral to the inner workings of the congregation with his keen ability to juggle a huge number of projects on any given day,” said a post on B’nai Jehudah’s Facebook page.

“As both a staff member and a congregant, Damien brought humor, kindness, joi de vivre, and passion to our congregational life.”

Good luck on your new endeavor, Damien!



KU Hillel has moved into its new offices at 1101 Indiana Street in Lawrence, across from the Oread and AEPi, and steps away from the Kansas Union and football stadium.

The new location gives KU Hillel more opportunities to engage with students.

“Now feet from campus, students can swing by Hillel for a snack between classes, join us for outdoor Shabbat dinners and for all their favorite KU Hillel programming,” read a recent email announcement from the organization.



 Don’t delay in ordering your holiday meal for Erev Yom Kippur which begins on Wednesday, September 15. A holiday meal prepared by Cathy Levin of Kosher Connection can be picked up curbside from noon to 1 pm on Wednesday, Sept. 15, at the Jewish Community Campus.

Meals include your choice of boneless chicken breasts stuffed with spinach and mushrooms or herbed salmon, served with babaganoush with pita rounds, tossed salad, rice pilaf, buttered baby carrots and sugar snap peas, knot roll and apple chocolate chip cake. Gluten free meals prepared upon request.

Deadline to place meal orders is Thursday, September 9 at 11 pm. Menus, pricing, and ordering deadlines can be found on the order page. Place your order early and pay online at www.rabbiskc.regfox.com/shabbat-meals-to-go-2021. Orders must be received by the designated deadline.

You can also purchase additional meals to gift to someone special and/or share a holiday meal with others. Donations in all amounts are welcome.

For questions or to inquire about confidential financial assistance, contact Annette Fish, administrator/program director, Rabbinical Association by email,   or call 913-327-8226.