A lovely evening featuring delightful cuisine, presentations, and awards for some well-deserved honors to Torah class attendees took place recently during a program for women and girls. Neshei Chabad of KC had its first in-person program (which was also available on Zoom) on July 13, the 4th of the Jewish month of Menachem Av.

Pam Reiz, a member of Neshei Chabad and the Torah class, served as the evening’s MC.

Reiz recognized the dedicated group of women who have been studying the Torah portion of the week, with insights from Pardet, the four levels of Torah interpretation, including Chassidut, since the beginning of this year’s Torah-reading cycle.

Having begun the study at the beginning of this Jewish year (on Zoom because of Covid), the women completed the first four Books of the Torah — Bereishit (Genesis), Shemot (Exodus), Vayikra (Leviticus), and Bamidbar (Numbers).

A siyum (Torah celebration on concluding a portion of the Torah) was held and gifts for all participants were handed out. Local students include a cross-section of the community and were honored: Susan Bernstien, Roni Roth Beshears, Heather Chambers, Cheryl Choikhit, Dini Freed, Ronnie Lerner, Reiz, and Lora Zuber, as well as students from rural Kansas, Wichita, Chicago, New York, and California.

To celebrate, and in keeping with the times, a special Zoom PowerPoint presentation was presented by author and lecturer, Malka Touger, on the Beit Hamikdosh, the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

Neshei Chabad’s sister city, Bahia Blanca, Argentina (BBA), continues to need our financial assistance. As in past years, we would like to send them help for the High Holidays, to feed the poor and for medicine.

Sara Freedman, devoted leader of the Jewish community, continues to run programs for the physical and spiritual well-being of her community, even as she lost her husband two years ago. Their youngest son and his wife and baby have recently joined her. They managed to get all the necessary documents and permission to enter the country during this Covid year.

Additional funds are needed to continue and expand their activities.

All checks are tax-deductible and should be made out to Neshei Chabad, 10258 Glenwood St., Overland Park, Kansas, 66212, or a donation can be sent by credit card online to chabadkc.org/donate. Please mark it for Neshei Chabad/BBA. For other payment methods, please contact Blumah Wineberg at 913-940-1113.

For more information about the women’s Friday morning Torah study class, or to start a new class geared to you and friends of your choice, please contact Wineberg. No previous knowledge is necessary. Discussion and questions are encouraged.

It is recommended to have a Hebrew-English Chumash, such as the Kehot Chumash or the Gutnick Chumash (which can be purchased through the Neshei Chabad Gift Shop). Stimulate your mind and obtain answers to questions about your heritage and our connection to G-d and Torah, by studying with Wineberg of the Chabad House.

The evening was dedicated to Rebbetzin Esther Alpern, of blessed memory, sister of Wineberg and beloved Shlucha in Sao Paulo, Brazil for forty-one years.