The Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City and synagogue religious school educators will provide a community-wide faculty professional day from 10:00 a.m. to noon this Sunday, August 8.

This will be a shared day of professional Jewish learning and networking for religious school faculty - teachers, teaching specialists, madrichim and clergy. The program will be presented virtually, and attendees can participate from their own computer or attend in-person watch parties with other faculty in the congregation they teach at.

Dr. Bruce Powell, distinguished lecturer of Jewish education, and Dr. Ron Wolfson, Fingerhut professor of education, both faculty members at the American Jewish University in Los Angeles, will present an interactive and informative session, “Rebuilding Religious School Culture and Relationships Post-Pandemic - Creating a Blueprint for Coming Back Together.”

The session will be centered around the publication of their new book, “Raising A+ Human Beings: Crafting a Jewish School Culture of Academic Excellence and AP Kindness.” The book presents a blueprint for how to create an educational culture that informs, motivates, inspires, and shapes character steeped in Jewish values and “advanced placement” kindness.

Participating faculty will receive a complimentary copy of the book prior to the session and the presenters recommend that you review/read the book prior to August 8. There is no charge for the book or to participate in this program, which is generously funded by Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City.

For information and link to registration, faculty members should contact their Religious School Education Director or Annette Fish, administrator/program director, Rabbinical Association of Greater Kansas City, or 913-327-8226.