The Faith Always Wins Foundation, through its SevenDays®-Make A Ripple, Change the World experience, launched its 30 Days of Kindness initiative, encouraging the public to participate in acts of kindness.

Each day until Dec. 11, SevenDays® will use social media, offering suggestions for a kind action and encourage those who participate to take a “selfie” and post to social media using the tags “#CultivateKindness” and “#GiveSevenDays.” The idea behind the effort is to spread a ripple of kindness during these very challenging times.

The 30 Days of Kindness is part of SevenDays® Cultivate Kindness program. Through the effort, SevenDays® extends a direct act of kindness to a person or organization that has been the target of a hateful act. Financial donations are being sought to the Faith Always Wins Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, to underwrite the effort. Donations are used to create and deliver Kindness Baskets with caring goodies inside letting the recipient know that darkness can be overcome with light. Donations can be made at

The Cultivate Kindness Program will reach out in the Greater Kansas City community. SevenDays® is currently working to make a ripple of kindness for two specific projects. First, a Northland family that had been targeted with hateful messages in their neighborhood and second to a local Islamic center that was vandalized.

Jill Andersen, SevenDays® director, said “Our team decided that we want to do more to show kindness in action. We want to be an example of how community members come together to spread positivity, specifically on those who have been faced with the opposite. Our kindness baskets will be hand delivered, funded by community donations, and created with care for the recipients.”

SevenDays® Make a Ripple, Change the World is an annual series of experiences aimed at overcoming such tragedies that are often the result of hatred, bigotry and ignorance. The mission of SevenDays® is providing opportunities encouraging all people to increase kindness through knowledge, mindset and behaviors. SevenDays 2021 will take place in mid-April and all events will be virtual due to the ongoing pandemic.

SevenDays® 2021 continues the healing journey following the murders that took the lives of Dr. William Corporon, his grandson Reat Underwood and Teresa LaManno outside of Jewish facilities in April 2014. The three lost their lives at the hands of a convicted Neo-Nazi shooter.

Determined to turn tragedy into triumph, family members and friends joined together to create something positive to overcome this senseless hate crime. SevenDays® is sponsored by the Faith Always Wins Foundation. The vision is to make a ripple to change the world by connecting communities. The mission of the Faith Always Wins Foundation is to promote dialogue for the betterment of our world through the pillars of kindness, faith and healing.

For more information about SevenDays®, visit Media inquiries, contact Ruth Baum Bigus, 913-707-7746 or .